Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Anals of the Law...

So.....yeah...my book's been open to the same page for two hours. I think I've read all of 3 sentences. And you know what's sad? Tomorrow's issue is probably the most provocative topic I'll ever study in law school...our unalienable fundamental right to practice homosexual sodomy. Yeah, seriously. Lawrence v. Texas. Let me read you a selected paragraph....ahem...:

In Houston, Texas, oficers of the Harris County Police Department were dispatched to a private residence in response to a reported weapons disturbance. (yeah right) They entered an apartment where one of the petitioners, John Geddes Lawrence, resided. The officers observed Lawrence and another man, Tyron Garner, engaging in a sexual act. The two petitioners were arrested, held in custody overnight (I can only assume in seperate cells) and charged and convicted before a justice of the peace.
The complaints described their crime as "deviate sexual intercourse...with a member of the same sex (man)". The question before the court is the validity of this Texas statute, making it a crime for two persons of the same sex to engage in certain intimate sexual conduct.

Hot. Now if that can't get me interested in learning the law, there is no hope left for anything in this world. You know what I'm doing instead? Talkig to my friends online about what a tragedy it is that we don't have the requisite self restraint nor respect to develop eating disorders, and instead eat and allow ourselves to digest such delicacies as an ENTIRE large cheese pizza followed by a 2 liter bottle of diet coke. Yeah, I did that. All on my own. Sick. In one fell swoop I just negated every yoga class I've ever been to. Wonderful. I'm sure my mom's so proud of me. Ug. Fuck this, I'm going to bed.


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