Monday, April 25, 2005

...blank stare.....droooool....

My professor just used the word Flummoxed. FLUMMOXED. do you know what that means? because I don't. It's bad enough that he's teaching us constitutional law, chock full of latin phrases that are never ever translated for us, along with their english counterparts like "the pennumbra of unenumerated rights" but now he has to use words that went out of style in about 1743. THANKS KMIEC. This is getting reduculous. seriously.

You know what happened yesterday? I went to staples to get more toner so I could print out the 95,000 pages of dribble that I've managed to mindlessly type into my computer in between sessions of Instant Messnenger and google searches of "I Hate Law School" (which, not amazingly brings up like 4 billion sites). Well, en route to the office supply mecca, I realized that I left the toner cartrige I was aiming to replace, on my desk, and I had not changed out of my fluffy purple barney Uggs, as I had been planning to do, before facing the blinding eternal sunshine of the non-law-schooling rest of the world. So, with the realization that I had no clue what kind of printer I had, much less what kind of toner I needed, sighed heavily and lit up a cigarette, hoping that once I got there, God would remember that I existed for the first time in 2 years and guide my hand to the right $95.00 2X2 inch cardboard box. So, I eventually weaved my way through the "Fear Factor-esque" parking structure in the depths below the store, and made my way inside. Oh, but...wait...what's that smell....??? OH SHIT. I'M HOLDING MY LIT CIGARETTE INSIDE STAPLES. AHHH!!!...RUN OUTSIDE! WAIT!!! Where the fuck are my keys....??? HOLY SHIT! THEY'RE STILL IN MY CAR!!! YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT...I left my CAR UNLOCKED in the parking structure, with the KEYS IN THE IGNITION, and took my LIT CIGARETTE into the store. GREAT PRIORITIES, AL. Somebody shoot me before I somehow mindlessly kill an innocent child while trying to butter my toast in the middle of the street somewhere. please.


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