Saturday, April 23, 2005

Finals season, and the screws begin to loosen....

Saturday Morning. Who cares. Last night I had a dream about this lady who ran a huge toy company that was under investigation by 60 minutes because they had a contract with Mattell to make a specific toy before the company was ever in existence. And even though that's perfectly legal, and I know because I took an entired 4 month class on just that subject last semester, for some reason in my dream, it was this huge scandal, all over the Dreamland news, and this lady (who was suuuuuuuper fat for some reason) was shamed, and forced to resign from her "billion dollar job" (I know it was billions because the guy on 60 minutes said so). They did this interview with her at her new job where she was all angry and bitter because she was now trying to make ends meet by working at this character themed shoe store, where she had to dress like one of the old ladies at Cinderella's ball and people put the shoes they didn't want on her huge ass and she had to walk around like that. Like with those huge fake ass trays with fabric draped all over them. And I was sitting in the livingroom at my parents house watching all of this go down on tv.
Now. I don't even know where to start with the analysis of this dream. There is SO MUCH wrong with it. It's seriously disturbing. But, in short, I can only assume that I am that fat assed lady, who is living in constant fear that I'm going to somehow be shamed out of my potentially lucrative law career (which I don't want anyway) by something that warrants absolutly no punnishment, and end up working in a rediculous, demeaning job, because the "billions" that I was making are now suddenly gone, and everyone hates me just because some douchebag on 60 Minutes says they should. And I feel super fat, so that makes sense. However, there is one thing that perplexes me...why was this lady working making TOYS in the beginning? That's fun. I want to do that. Law school BLOWS. I don't want to do this shit.




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