Friday, June 03, 2005

I don't know......

You know what, sometimes I visit my own blogsite to see if there's any new updates. And then, when there's not, I get disappointed and I start thinking "what the hell, why isn't there anything new, that sucks." even though I'm the one that writes the damn blogs. I don't have an explanation for why I do that. Even though I do it over and over. Or if I don't do it, it's because I thought about doing it and caught myself and realized how skitzophreniclly insane that is. Imagine if I looked it up and there WAS a new entry that I hadn't seen...what the hell would happen then??? Would I be excited to read it and be all, "wow, I never knew that about myself? I'm so glad I wrote that?" What the hell? I am crazy. Goodnight.


Blogger Juan Carlos Rodriguez said...

What if you didn't write this entry? That would be weird...

9:03 PM  

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