Saturday, May 07, 2005

It's okay...I'm here....

Hello my beautiful babies. Shhh...shhhh....I's been hard for me too. I don't like being away from you. Really. It's true. Whether you know it or not, these bi, tri, sometimes quadra-daily obscenity/profanity/angst spewing sessions of ours are muy preciouso to me, much more than you'll ever know. Especially since I don't show appreciation to, pour affection over, nor ever thank the ones I love. But I do. I love. And how. You see, these hate fests we share are like cardio for my brian. They increase my heart rate while flushing my system of the nasty buildup crammed into my poor body during carb binges, alcohol-laden-rebellions against overloaded brain functions, and the law. Oh, how I hate the law...sigh...but I digress. These past few days...maybe even a week, I don't know, I have no concept of time anymore, I have been trapped away in my rat's nest of an apartment, desperately tryign to be all that I can be by learining tax, constitutional, islamic, and healthcare laws, while repeatedly attempting to make contact with the outside world, through this, my portal, but, alas, to no avial. On any of my missions. But most importantly to us, you see, to my utter horror and shock, I came to find out that my upstairs neighbor, who I've been stealing wireless internet from for the past year, has very incosideratly moved, and taken my free internet acces with her. That BITCH. I have therefore been forced to move back to my parents home for the weekend, where I can reconnect and paruse the hours of power I have neglected for so long, brought to us by the Fug Girls themselves, catch up on disturbingly raunchy e-mails sent to me by my alarmingly inappropriate Auntie KK, instant message with the likes of the adorable and intellectually stunning Private Parlow, and make feble and emaciated attempts at writing a paper and studying for Ethics, all while gorging myself on pizza, rice krispies treats, tortilla chips and creamy dips, unidentifiable pasta dish leftovers, hot dogs, ramen noodles, generic supermarket brand cold cuts,various frozen sugary treats, and random splatterings of tapatillo and tobasco. ug. I think I'm going to throw up.

I just wanted to let you all know how much I miss you all. You mean the world to me. You are my everything. I swear, the only thing that matters...that me. Oh baby, baby, baby,, oh.


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