yeah...I know...
I KNOW...I don't write anymore. I KNOW, you're upset. You enjoy my rampages. You like watching me hate and vent and squirm and implode, you sick sick bastards....but you know what? Summertime means I'm not in law school. And THAT means my life is GOOD. no, my life is GOOOOOOOOOOD. That's right. My LIFE. Because I actualy HAVE ONE now. I go out with my friends. No, seriously, stop laughing. I mean it. I go out in public with my friends. For real. To parties, and lunches, and beaches, and bars... And I have a job. aaaaaaactually....I mean, I don't want to brag and shit, but...I actually have TWO jobs. that's right. TWO. Yeah. I KNOW only ONE pays, but fuck you, the other one's prestigious, okay? And a hell of a lot of fun. I like this shit. it's nice. no. I don't have a lot of free time, but it's okay, because I'm actually interacting with real people who aren't complete selfish competitive ASSHOLES, who lack social skills, and I'm doing something productive with the hours that I spend tied up. I LIKE MY WORK. AND I HATE LAW SCHOOL. So guess what motherfuckers? all that bullshit you're trying to spew at us..? all the "enjoy it while you still can because real life sucks" bullshit? IT'S A LOAD OF CRAP AND YOU CAN SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS. But fear not my passive aggressive vicarous will start up again soon, and I will once again be the self loathing hatemonger you all came to know and love. I promise. But in the meantime, take care of yourselves. And eachother. Now go fug yourself.