Monday, October 26, 2009

Helloooo there.

I realized this week that blogging is a lot harder to do when you're trying to hide it from your husband. This isn't my first blog, I had one all throughout law school. I really enjoyed the catharsis of getting all of my rage out onto a page, and having a very very few close and overly supportive friends, read it. But, eventualy, I graduated, and my law school blog lost even my interest, and I eventually just stopped blogging all together. Once I stopped, I tried to ignore the blog, but late night drunk reading and re-reading of my posts became so unbearably embarrasing that I took it down.
So, I've decided to get back into it, and every day last week, I would come home from work...okay, FINE, I would come home drunk from happy hour...and sit down on the couch with the laptop. And my husband would watch the screen and try to read along to whatever it was I was typing. And it was unbearable. I couldn't even get a word to pop into my brain much less, to communicate a topic of interest from my brain to my fingertips. How ironic that in 7 years of Yoga class I've never actually managed to "clear all of the words from my brain...make it a completely empty space" but the one day all I want to do is talk, I'm slammed in the face with namaste.
So, I've decided to take my blogging elsewhere. And, here is where I will meet you.


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