Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Holy Jesus Christ

Are you SERIOUS, it's been a year PLUS since I last wrote up here...???? omg. That is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!! sheiiiiiiit.... Ok...let me make a weak attempt at catching you up. if you even care anymore. because you all might be dead by now. if there was anybody out there to begin with... ahem. SO: I'm engaged, passed the bar, a public defender, planning my wedding, being EFFING CRAZY at work (more on that later, uh...DUH) LIVING in my OFFICER (seriously, I'm here right now. at 8:FOURTY SEVEN), I just realized that I wrote OFFICER which is wrong...did my first trial, got EFFED UP at trial by a OLD judge, then lost my first trial, and am now drowning in my caseload. Welcome to the LACOPUBDEF's office, ladies and gents. at times it's really fucking horrible. Seroiusly. like, b-a-d, BAD. not Michael Jackson style.

But you know what...? Everyone who told me that, at exactly this point, I would be wishing I was back in law school studying for exams can fucking KISS MY ASS. Because they are sooooooooooooooooo motherfucking wrong. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFA KING wrong, dudes. WRONG to the ONG. Because NOTHING...I reapeat for emphasis....NOTHING...is that bad. nothing.

Good night. I'm back.


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