Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Ok, I was going to write something, but I hate myself, and listening to the voice inside my head speak these words while I write and read them back is torturous, because it reminds me of my own existence, and that's seriously how much I hate me. Today my self loathing mainly stemms from my glorious scheduling skills, thanks to which I now have a Federal Income Tax final tomorrow, for a class taught by the man who still holds the record for graduating with the highest grades ever in the history of my law school, followed by a Healthcare Organizaton and Financing final on Wed, which was taught by a pulitzer prizewinner with no people skills whatsoever, followed by a Constitutional Law: Individual Rights and Liberties final on Friday, which was with a prof whose name is consistently floated as a likely candidate for the Supreme Court, and who uses the word "flummoxed" regularly. Yeah. GREAT IDEA, AL. Because these are totally guys who are looking for the bare minimum, and will totally let you get away with BSing your way through three of these tests in 4 days. SOOO FUCKING SMART. Seriously, though, I have a question...WHO THE FUCK LET ME INTO LAW SCHOOL????? Fuck this. GOODNIGHT.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider yourself lucky you're in law school. Many people don't get the opportunity. And hang in there. And be glad you're not in med school. And don't worry about about a job, because you're cute and anybody will hire you.
OK, so that last one is half true - but seriously, you're screwed. Plan ahead next time.

5:36 PM  

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