Writer's Block
Ok. So...I haven't been writing because I have a seriously mad case of writer's block. Like, bad. Like, I go through the day thinking of all these great things to write about, I sit down to pound it out...and it's gone. There's nothing there. Every day. for like 4 months. So, to rectify this harrowing situation--which it really is for me...I feel worthless and depressed every time it happens...like I went to go pick up my kid from school but just passed it by and drove home to lay in bed for 4 months instead. Anyway, I figured out how to rectify this. I'm going to write a novel in 30 days. No, really. Seriously. I am. I'm going to create a new blog spot and every day write about 1600 words. for 30 days. for real. I don't care what I write, how it sounds, what happens to my characters, etc. I'm just going to write 1600 words, even if they're seriously retarded and make no sense. You can have your daily dose of the madness inside my head, and at the end of it all, it will magically come together in book form. Likely, a crazy, homeless person's book form, but book form none the less. And you all should join me, you lazy nosey bastards. Consider this a challenge. Do it with me. we'll motivate eachother, and in about 35 days from now, we'll be authors! Really shitty authors of really shitty rough drafts, no doubt, but as Hemmingway said "every first draft is shit". and instead of being a "one day..." writer, you'll be...a writer. Now, I wish this was all actually my idea, but it's not. It's the brainchild of Chris Baty, founder of National Novel Writing Month, known to the rest of us as November, but known to those in the inner circle as NaNoWriMo. Seriously. I didn't make that up. So anyway, the concept is easy. I already told you. Write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. we're starting on October 1st. That is your assignment. you have 5 days from now to choose to accept. for more info, go to www.nanowrimo.org peace out, bitches.